All you need to know about Digital Resilience Bonus

The Digital Resilience Bonus and Is It For Me?

The past few months have not been kind to us business owners. Established conglomerates may be able to survive the crisis, but what about us SMEs? 

The Digital Resilience Bonus (DRB) is a grant introduced by the government to encourage SMEs to digitalise. It is currently exclusive to the Food Services and Retail sectors. If your enterprise is adopting other pre-defined digital solutions in addition to PayNow Corporate & E-Invoicing, you are eligible for this bonus. You may seek assistance from supporting organisations on how to fulfil the eligibility criteria here.

The DRB is given on top of enhanced digitalisation assistance provided under the SMEs Go Digital Programme. With tremendous help from the government, what are you waiting for? If you haven’t already, it’s time to go digital! 

Categories Of The DRB

Should you choose DashBod, you are on your way to qualifying for Category 1. It is required to use all three qualified solutions below at least once a month.

Food Services:

  1. Accounting (Provided by DashBod)

  2. HR/Payroll (Provided by DashBod)

  3. Digital Ordering (Not included in DashBod)


  1. Accounting (Provided by DashBod)

  2. HR/Payroll (Provided by DashBod)

  3. Inventory Management (Not included in DashBod)

Upon satisfying the criteria, you can expect a bonus payout of $2,500. Find out how you can meet Categories 2 and 3 to maximise the bonus here!

Benefits Of Adopting DashBod

The way business is done is ever changing. Due to the coronavirus, a new norm is emerging globally where working from home and meeting virtually is made possible and it is no longer necessary to be in office all day to be productive and effective.

Here are some ways your enterprise will benefit and thrive by adopting some of the digital solutions.

PayNow Corporate and e-Invoicing

Moving forward, the choice to go digital enables your business to carry out cashless and paperless transactions. This saves you the hassle of fumbling with coins and putting those mental sums to the test.

Accounting and HR/payroll Solutions

DashBod’s accounting module allows the accounting department to integrate with the HR and inventory functions. Manage your finances effortlessly and engage your employees to increase profitability and performance, all from the comfort of your own home.

Enjoy the efficiency, remote working support and business continuity, all while getting a clearer picture of what’s going on in your company. 

Inventory Management

Automatic synchronisation between your inventory movements and your orders, sales and deliveries. Forgo the need for manual stock-taking with DashBod. Under or overstocking won’t be an issue any longer.

E-Commerce, E-Procurement and Food Delivery Platforms

Enable your business to have better engagement with your existing customers and allow yourself to expand your market research beyond your physical shopfronts. Utilise technology to its fullest extent, and you will have the world at your fingertips.

Insights From Analytics and Financial Reports

Optimise business outcomes through analysing consolidated data from multiple sources in an insightful way. Understand your company’s financial health via reports such as Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, General Ledger etc. Knowledge is power. Anticipate, analyse and stay ahead of the curve.

How Do I Apply For The DRB?

You would be pleased to hear that there is no need to submit an application form to apply for the Digital Resilience Bonus.  We will submit your unique entity number (UEN) to IMDA on your behalf if you are using the digital solution between 1st June 2020 and 30th June 2021. 

IMDA will then credit the bonus to your PayNow Corporate account according to the categories of digital solutions you use. Let us do the talking; you’re busy enough as it is!

Here at DashBod, we view digitalisation as a key enabler for businesses to improve their competitiveness and productivity so that they can emerge stronger, helping businesses to be more resilient and adapt to new post-COVID norms. Trying times like these call for drastic measures to be made. We laid the facts out, and now it’s your decision to make the change.

So, what are you waiting for?