

Don’t work in silos. DashBod’s accounting module allows your accounting department to integrate with your HR and inventory functions. So you can get a clearer picture of what’s going on in your company, all the time.


Easily send cost estimates to customer or suppliers.

Sales and Purchase Order

Generate sales and purchase orders for customers or suppliers.

Credit Note

Issue a credit note to your customers or suppliers.

Inventory Management

Track your stock quantity and movement.

Financial Reports

Understand your company’s financial health via reports such as Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, General Ledger.

Auto Bank Reconciliation

Automate the matching of entries in the bank statements to the invoice/ entries in your account.

Fixed Assets Tracking

Track and compute the appreciation or depreciation of your company’s assets.

OCBC Bank Feed Integration

Automatically import your OCBC bank statements into your account.

Tax Computation

Produce tax documents compliant to Singapore’s regulation.

Advance GST Computation

Compute GST accurately with the transactions input from the accounting suite.


Create automatic and electronically processed e-invoices for ordering, invoicing and shipping.

Audit Trail

Trace actions and changes made to the system transactions to ensure compliance.

Direct submission of Income Tax Return (Form C-S) to IRAS

Generate and file Income Tax Return directly to IRAS.

Direct submission of Annual Return to ACRA

Generate and file Annual Return directly to ACRA.

Human resources
Human resources

People are at the heart of every business. Retain, recruit and reward your staff effectively. From leave management to payroll, DashBod gives you the tools to manage your employees and their needs so they stay satisfied and productive.

Leave Management

Track leave and manage manpower for the entire office.

Employee Claims Approval

Save time, save the environment. Go fast and digital with e-claims.

Itemised Payslips

Keep up with the law with itemised payslips.

CPF Computation

Compute and file CPF with zero errors. Never get fined again.


Manage and secure the best candidates for your company.

Attendance Management

Precise attendance logging whether it's for retail or events.


Keep your employees engaged – don't miss a single appraisal.